Randolph School

Randolph School is a place that values honor, integrity, freedom, and character above all.

Character education begins in Pre-Kindergarten, and the Honor Code holds every student to a high standard of integrity, one that expects them to tell the truth, complete their own work, and be accountable.

We trust our students.

Our School Mission

Honor and integrity underpin the School’s mission. Character education begins in Pre-Kindergarten and is woven into the fabric of the Randolph experience. In and out of the classroom, on and off campus, we expect our students to strive to be people of good character.

The relational bond of trust between students and their peers and between students and teachers creates the respectful, safe environment that we enjoy at Randolph and supports the School’s mission to build character and instill integrity in each of our students.

PK-12 Honor Code

From the earliest grades, students are challenged to develop an understanding that all choices have consequences and that trust in each other liberates every student to reach for excellence. These core beliefs are the foundation for teaching and learning about character at Randolph. The Honor Code holds every student to a high standard of integrity by making clear that all in our community are expected to tell the truth, complete their own work, and respect what belongs to others.


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