Randolph School

Board of Trustees

Independent Governance

As an independent school, Randolph is governed by a Board of Trustees whose members serve the School on a voluntary basis. The Board is responsible for the Head of School, and its primary work is long-term and strategic. The Head of School, in partnership with School administration, is responsible for the day-to-day operation and management.

NAIS, the National Association of Independent Schools, of which Randolph is a member, published these Principles of Good Practice for a school’s Board of Trustees.

Main Responsibilities:

  • Assuring the relevance and fulfillment of the School’s mission
  • Hiring, supporting, and evaluating the Head of School
  • Securing the financial sustainability of the School

Board Members also lead and serve on five standing committees: Committee on Trustees, Finance, Operations, Strategic Planning, and Development.

Board of Trustees


Board Officers: 

  • Chair: Amit Arora
  • Vice Chair: Erin Bailey
  • Secretary: Jane Daniel
  • Treasurer: Andy Watson

From left to right – front row: Christina Tabereaux, Sara Cooper, Bobby Bradley, Missy Baldone, Amy Manion, Wendy Joseph, Melissa Dodgen, Amit Arora, Brian Hinson, Celeste Childs, Julie Gold

From left to right – back row: Andy Watson, Mark Russell, Jane Daniel, Erin Bailey, Frederick Lanier, Riley Parker, Rudy Hornsby, Mitch Coley, Denzel Okinedo, Adam Dubé (Head of School)

Not pictured:

  • Leslie Crosby
  • May Jennings
  • Lady Smith

For questions related to the Board of Trustees, please contact Jenna Pirani, Executive Assistant to the Head of School. For additional information about Randolph School, which operates as a 501(c)(3) organization, please contact CFO James Cooper.

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