Randolph School

Randolph is a place that challenges students to be purposeful in life.

Students in the Lower School have many opportunities to explore and pursue special interests in clubs and activities after school. Options include RAP (Randolph Athletic Program) team sports for K-6, the Young Voices Choir, drama, Handchimes, chess, and LEGO club.

For Middle School students, we offer a wide array of extracurricular clubs, such as scrapbooking, sewing, drama, LEGO robotics, math team, Future City, and chess club, to provide students the opportunity to round out their middle school experience in a way that suits each individual child.

Upper School clubs are student-initiated and include AHSAA team sports, Echo literary magazine, Science Olympiad, Scholars Bowl, Outdoors Club and Youth Leadership Council.

Community Time is a big part of the Randolph experience. Every week in the Upper School, and periodically in Lower and Middle, we gather for news, announcements, and speakers on topics of personal, local, or international importance. The opportunity to share this time together allows us to connect our community in a very purposeful way.

"The study habits I developed and ability to form professional relationships made the transition to West Point much simpler."


A Glimpse into the Randolph Journey.

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